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        Current location :HOME -> Investment Guide -> Key Investment Projects
        Key Investment Projects
        Magnetic Materials Equipment Manufacturing Industrial Park
        Date:2018-10-24 09:19:00     Source:

        No. 19



        Unit: RMB 100 million

        Project name

        Magnetic Materials Equipment Manufacturing Industrial Park

        Project location


        Project introduction

        Project of 50,000 tons of Ore Concentrate Powder Magnetic Pre-sintering Materials. With an investment of RMB 50 million and an output value of RMB 200 million, the project will mainly produce ore concentrate powder magnetic pre-sintering materials.

        Project of 20,000 tons of High-performance Soft Magnetic Granule Materials The project will mainly produce high-performance soft magnetic granule materials by taking the iron ore concentrate powder of stable quality as raw material. With an investment of RMB 60 million, the project is intended to achieve an output value of RMB 200 million.

        Project of Low-cost Materials of Lanthanum, Cerium, Iron and Boron. With an investment of RMB 30 million and an annual output value of RMB 120 million, the project is intended to produce 2,000 tons of low-cost lanthanum and cerium rare-earth permanent magnet for mining and environmental protection equipment such as magnetic separators and so on.

        Project of 10,000 tons of High-performance Permanent Magnetic Ferrite Components. The project will mainly produce motor magnet tiles by taking ore concentrate powder pre-sintering material as raw material. With an investment of RMB 60 to 80 million, it is estimated to achieve an annual output value of RMB 250 to 350 million.

        365平台提现审核未通过Project of High-performance Composite Soft Magnetic Components. The project will mainly produce magnetic powder core, amorphous powder core and metal powder core to composite with engineering materials. Besides, it will also produce composite soft magnetic components such as magnet yoke, armature, transformer core and electromagnet core, etc. With an investment of RMB 30 million, it is estimated to achieve an annual output capacity of 2,000 tons and an output value of RMB 500 million.

        Project of Permanent Magnetic Heavy Load Direct-drive Motor. With an investment of RMB 100 million and an estimated output value of RMB 250 million, the project will mainly produce permanent magnetic heavy load direct-drive motors.

        Project of Permanent Magnetic Actuator. With an investment of RMB 100 million and an estimated output value of RMB 300 million, the project will mainly produce start devices, brake devices and eddy current transmission devices.

        Project of Permanent Magnetic Separator. With an investment of RMB 100 million and an estimated output value of RMB 200 million, the project will mainly produce sewage treatment equipment for oilfield, mine and urban area, etc.

        Project of Microwave Waste Treatment Equipment. With an investment of RMB 100 million and an estimated output value of RMB 300 million, the project will mainly produce special waste microwave incinerators for medical waste and ship waste, etc.

        Land use


        Planned investment


        Foreign investment


        Industry involved


        Target country or region


        Cooperation model




        Support services


        Contact Person of the Investment Promotion Department

        Zhang Jingyan



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