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        Current location :HOME -> Investment Guide -> Key Investment Projects
        Key Investment Projects
        Third Party Inspection Industrial Park
        Date:2018-10-24 09:21:00     Source:

        No. 16



        Unit: RMB 100 million

        Project name

        Third Party Inspection Industrial Park

        Project location


        Project introduction

        365平台提现审核未通过The industrial park provides services including testing, inspection, certification, accreditation, verification and consulting, covering industries such as industrial services, transportation services, product services, life science services, training and consulting services, and management system services.

        Land use


        Planned investment


        Foreign investment


        Industry involved


        Target country or region


        Cooperation model




        Support services


        Contact Person of the Investment Promotion Department

        Zhang Jingyan



        辽宁省365平台提现审核未通过_365bet官网中国官网_office365人工客服电话 365平台提现审核未通过_365bet官网中国官网_office365人工客服电话